Thursday, November 19, 2009

Xcode: the requested file was not found in any documentation set

After upgrading to the latest Apple SDK, I started getting this error when looking in documentation:
"the requested file was not found in any documentation set"
When I tried to Subscribe to "Apple OS 3.1 Library", I would get an error "Failed to subscribe to documentation feed". The URL was: [BAD URL]

Entering this into a browser would yield a 404 error.

At the time of this writing, it looks like there is something wrong with Apple's documentation links.

You can confirm this by going to the Xcode documentation window, right-clicking on the 3.0+ libraries, Get Info, finding the "Feed URL" in the Summary and then entering that in your browser.

This will hopefully be fixed by the time you read this, however, I was getting annoyed by the error so here is how I fixed this:

  • Get "iPhone OS 3.0 library". If you cannot get it, then right-click, view in finder and delete it.
  • Try to Subscribe to "Apple iPhone OS 3.*". If you cannot subscribe, then right-click, view in finder and delete it.


Gargs said...

I just started seeing this error today...for the first time. Thanks for the tips to make it go away.

hendrik said...

I have the problem, too...

But it made me stumble upon your blog and I really appreciate it!

Greetings from Bremen, Germany

Unknown said...

Very useful, thanks :)

Unknown said...

Has been annoying me for the last three days too. Thanks !

G said...

hmm, I am getting this message whenever I look anything up, even though I have the documentation on my hard disk.

For instance, if I look up "NSobject",
the documentation is found, but when I click on it, even though it pops up, I get:
The requested file was not found in any documentation set.